Friday, February 25, 2011

Middle child syndrome

Middle child, middle girl, 7 brothers, 2 sisters.  I'm sure I'm a psychologist's dream.
It's the middle girl thing that has really defined so much of my personality, I think.  I didn't grow up with my sisters like so many other sisters do.  We didn't get to share clothes til much later in life.  We didn't steal each other's boyfriends, although I did have a mad crush on Ang's "friend" in high school.  Can't remember his name though?  Chris, maybe?  I was about 6 or 7 though, so I didn't have much of a shot.  We didn't have epic fights over the bathrooms or make-up or clothes.  We managed to grow up for the most part as the only girl in the family.  Kinda cool, I think.
My childhood memories are filled with boys, boys and more boys.  My brothers, my brothers' friends, my brothers' toys, my brothers' games.  I loved it. 
There are these flashes of sister moments, though.  They are the ties that held us together until we became friends. 
I did steal Ang's Oreos.  Wouldn't you, if you happened to find them under her pillow?  We shared a room for about 2 seconds.  I think I moved out sometime after the Oreo incident.  Ang took me, Gabe and our friend, Stephanie to a circus once in our big family van.  I think I rode an elephant there.  She was cool like that.  When Ang was in college, I spent the night with her and got to hang out with this kinda interesting fella who had a sweet gaming set-up in his closet-size dorm room.  She went on to marry that interesting guy and all of our lives have been forever a good way!

I vaguely remember Grace coming home from the hospital.  All I could think was, "Finally!  Another girl."  There has never been, nor will there ever be a cuter little girl.  The roundest, rosiest cheeks and the sweetest smile.  From very early on, I think we all knew she was up to something special.  She had a naturally kind heart and consideration for others.  What we all considered a "dramatic" personality has mellowed into a deep understanding of herself and an insight to emotions that far surpass her years.  She still has that kind and considerate heart and I have a feeling she'll never grow out of that one. 
Having sisters is one of life's true gifts, whether you are months, years or decades apart.  I know I am forever grateful for mine!

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